Elizabeth – sensitivity training

Elizabeth – sensitivity training

Elizabeth has now been upgraded to resident status. Her perfect (and really soft) udders are too good to let go: she will need to stay at the barn for further training. Yes, her nipples are a bit too sensitive for extensive pumping, but the farmer is determined to train those teats a lot! The right order for the most extreme sensitivity training is: nipple sensitizers at high speed, the red cow milker (on high vacuum), followed by a pair of tight clover clamps. It might seem very harsh for a HuCow with ultra sensitive nipples, but it is the only way Elizabeth will get stronger teats. Who agrees this is the right treatment for her?

Because of her new resident status, Elizabeth is now available for custom videos! Email [email protected] to order your own Elizabeth video!

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3 Responses

  1. Always like the use of sensitizers before a farmer places the cups of a milking machine over a HuCows’ nipples . It maybe harsh using tight clover clamps on Elizabeth’s just milked teats ; but she is a HuCow and this is the right treatment for her .

  2. So glad that Elizabeth has been made a permanent resident such a beautiful Hucow. Loving the sensitizers doing their work to stimulate the cows teats before they are milked to wake them up for milking

  3. It seems only natural that a blue-haired cow should be involved in sensitivity training.

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