Emily Addams – cow milker

posted in: Cow Milker | 5

Young Emily Addams is developing nicely! Her udders are bigger already, and they are soooo soft and milkable! She is still a little scared, being in the barn with all the big machines, but the farmer is planning to keep her, so she will have to get used to it. Don’t worry though, Emily also gets taken to the farmer’s home for more pet training and oral service training, so she is not in the barn all of the time. Today however, she will get one of the hardest sessions of all: nipple clamps in preparation for the cow milker, followed again by nipple clamps! It is a terrible ordeal, but it is necessary to grow Emily’s nipples so she can become a true HuCow.
As a new resident, of course Emily is available for Want-To-Be-A-Farmer sessions from now on!

Bella & Demi – cow versus goat

posted in: Cow Milker, Goat Milker, Suckling | 6

Ever since Bella signed up to be a HuCow, she is at peace. She has found the life she was looking for! Her huge udders are finally getting the treatment they always needed. Her friend Demi wasn’t planning to become a HuCow, but when she saw how much her friend was enjoying it, she became curious and a trusty supporter for her friend. Now they are stabled together. They couldn’t be happier! The farmer literally has his hands full with these two, massaging them, oiling them, and milking them. Today, we are featuring a unique experiment, never seen before on the internet: a cow milker AND a goat milker. Who will have the biggest nipples at the end? It’s not a battle though, these HuCows love each other. Bella and Demi take care of each other’s udders at the end, massaging and suckling their painful teats. We should never separate this duo!

Chessie Kay – the cow milker test

posted in: Cow Milker | 8

Some time ago we ran a test with an old cow milker. We did not know anything about this machine yet, so we needed to select a HuCow from our barn who was kind of obedient and resilient. Chessie Kay seemed a perfect candidate with her huge round udders and perky nipples. She was locked in a chastity belt and a lot of heavy metal restraints already, that’s how we kept her, and she approached the milking frame with some hesitation. We quickly locked her to the frame, bending her over so her nipples went exactly into the cow milker cups. It was only a short test, and the results were not what we expected. We haven’t used this cow milker since, because we upgraded to the red cow milker, but we might fix it some day and try it again!!

Katie – cow vacuum

posted in: Cow Milker | 23

We had Katie in the milking frame, but today her back hurt a little, so we took her down and allowed her to sit on the floor. Her gigantic udders are getting used to the regular milking sessions, but today it is time to hook her onto the powerful vacuum of the cow milker! We switched off the pulsator, so instead of pumping, the machine provides continuous vacuum suction. It is very strong, and it sucked Katie’s small nipples all the way inside the metal tubes! Katie was worried, but she knows this is necessary to become a good HuCow. Especially since we recently purchased a brand new Cow Milker, which is even stronger. We need to find a HuCow strong enough for the new RED cow milker!! Will Katie be the first one?

Cory vs the Cow Milker

posted in: Cow Milker | 17

Cory is one of our permanent HuCows (she is available for custom shoots too). But that doesn’t mean she is fully trained. She still has that smile on her face, always… We have no idea how to wipe that off, except by gagging her (and she is a spectacular drooler, so that might be nice), but we want her to be a docile and well behaved HuCow! She is trying to learn how to walk on her hands and knees (legs always bound), to give her a good posture for milking. Today, she will face a new test: the Cow Milker. It is hard to get the vacuum right, because we don’t want to suck her nipples right off, but when we turn it up high enough it is very hard to pull off the milking cups by hand. Cory tries, but her nipple is sucked in too far. And then, after she finally manages, she puts the cup back on! Is she learning?

Jasmine and Chessie – the cow milker

posted in: Cow Milker | 9

Here we go! Jasmine James and Chessie Kay, chained to a post, are going to try the powerful cow milker for the first time! Even experienced Hucow Jasmine is a little afraid of the sucking power of this device! As the girls find out, it only works when the vacuum is complete, so all four cups need to be blocked. After a few seconds, the vacuum (and milking rhythm) sets in at full strength and it becomes very difficult to even pull off the cups by hand! It is so powerful it leaves circular marks on their puffed up nipples! This is the most powerful milking these girls ever had!!

Cow milking Lola

posted in: Cow Milker | 8

Lola’s devotion is admirable! She really wants to become a HuCow slave girl, and her training is progressing very fast! She crawls on all fours, she learned to lock her heavy tight metal collar to the milking post, and she does not speak anymore. When encountering the cow milker for the first time however, she was rather nervous. This machine’s powerful suction is so strong that the cups can not even be pulled off by hand when the machine is on. Nipples will completely disappear deep inside the cups. It is a very harsh way of milking, but Lola is determined to do it. To make sure she doesn’t give up (by turning off the machine), I cuffed her hands behind her. She was so overwhelmed and exhausted by the strength of this machine, 4 times more vacuum power than the (already powerful) goat milker, she fell asleep after her milking!

The Cow Milker

posted in: Cow Milker | 23

Our little 19-year old HuCow Vina is the first to try our new Cow Milker!! You have been asking for it! There are a few problems to overcome. A HuCow only has two udders, so we have to block off the other two milking cups, which makes the vacuum (that is already much stronger than on the goat milker) double in power. So we now have a machine that is about 4 times as strong as the goat milker, it can literally suck a girl’s nipples off!! We need to be careful about the settings, we don’t want to damage our poor Vina!
A strange thing happened though… the milking changed Vina somehow. After we stopped the session to let her recover, Vina picked up the milking cups and asked if she could ‘have a little more’ in her sweet tiny voice. She then proceeded to switch the machine back on and milked herself voluntarily!! What is happening here? Check out the video, maybe you can explain this!