Denise – nipple pulling machine

posted in: Goat Milker (compact), Nipple Puller | 22

We are so happy to have Denise in our herd permanently! She is young, so there is lots of time for development and training. Her udders are already big and juicy at such a young age, but her nipples need some more work, which is definitely not Denise’s favorite type of session! Today, the farmer put her on the nipple pulling machine for a good long time, elongating her nipples. Not easy, but it is necessary for Denise to become the perfect HuCow! The high power of the compact goat milker was then used to make her nipples puffy and red, and double the size! Of course, the farmer then put the nipple pulling machine back on, pulling Denise’s over-sensitized nipples again and again. A very harsh treatment, but even Denise understood it is part of the training. She has so much potential!

Liz – nipple puller

Liz Rainbow! One of our resident HuCows, she has extremely sensitive nipples. Her big round puffy nipples and pointy udders make her a favorite for many people. She has had very hard times here at the farm, and we continue to torture her, because those unique nipples are a treasure that needs to be explored to the fullest. And if there is one thing Liz hates the most, it is when we use nipple clamps before her milking session. It just makes her nipples very tender, and they get pulled into the milking cups further. Well, today we take nipple clamping to the max with our nipple puller, which should really sensitize Liz’s poor nipples to the extreme, before using a milking machine on her. Poor Liz!