Little Keira – new young HuCow

posted in: Double Breast Pump | 10

Little Keira is so cute! She has been brought to the farm to be raised as a proper HuCow, so her journey will be fantastic. Naked and chained, tiny Keira looks a bit worried about the strange bra she had to wear. This three-ring metal bra is the perfect design for young aspiring HuCows with small udders. The outer ring goes around the edge of the boob while the inner ring is perfect for pressing the breast pump cups firmly against the nipples. Keira is handcuffed behind her back and the milking starts right away, leaving this poor girl looking at her own nipples in amazement. The ever increasing power of the double breast pump hurts her a little, enlarging her nipples step by step. It is a necessary session for her development. In fact, Keira will need many sessions, but there’s still a lot of time!

Katarina on the milking bed

posted in: Goat Milker | 18

As requested, we put the wonderful HuCow Katarina on the milking bed! Her incredibly big supple natural udders hang down so beautifully through the custom made bed. We are training a young female farm hand, and she was lucky enough to oil up Katarina’s udders and put the goat milker on those perfect nipples. Of course, she was a bit too careful, but she will learn to handle udders properly soon enough. Katarina on the other hand was not too happy about all this. The goat milker was not easy for her, and the relentless suction made her nipples puffy and very sensitive. We need to give Katarina a lot more sessions! It’s a hard job but someone has to do it…

Darina on the kneeling frame

posted in: Goat Milker | 5

Darina is well trained now, although she sometimes still tries to break her chain leash. She seems to respond well to a harness gag, it makes her more docile. When approached, she will get on all fours and offer her udders to the farmers outstretched hand. This makes inspections easier and Darina knows her udders will be well taken care of, with enough oil and massaging to keep them suitable for milking. Today, she will go on the kneeling frame to get her session on the goat milker. It’s still painful for her, but she needs this training, and she will get stronger and better soon! Darina is still very young, so there’s plenty of time for her!

From the street – Katarina

posted in: Massage | 15

When we saw Katarina walking down the street, we just knew we had to have her! She has the most amazing natural udders you have ever seen! She can’t even hide them, they are so big and juicy! After getting her inside (a little abruptly perhaps), we were even more amazed! Stripped of all her clothes and collared, Katarina actually seemed to understand she was destined to live a HuCow life! It was like she had been waiting for this! Maybe her huge natural boobs made her realize she has no other purpose. If she goes outside, men keep staring at her. The weight of her udders must be a real burden for her, so milking sessions may come as a relief for her! Please welcome Katarina to our herd, she is going to stay for a long time!

Nelly – the new milking frame

posted in: Cow Milker (RED) | 12

We had a custom milking frame built just for this website! It has so many features to get our HuCows in the most perfect position for milking and they will definitely not be able to escape! The frame puts a girl on all fours, locking her wrists and ankles with cuffs. Elbows and knees can be tightly strapped too, and the belly bar ensures she will not be able to move at all! Of course there’s a collar connector too. Udders can hang freely and the HuCow can’t move an inch. The frame has wheels for moving the HuCows through our facilities. It also has a magic wand holder for extra stimulation (which we will show later).
Nelly is the first cow to go on this frame. She seems more calm now, but once she is strapped to the frame she is panicking again. Maybe it is because we are going to use the red cow milker on her for the first time. This powerful machine scares most HuCows. We had to gag Nelly to be able to work. She struggles but this frame is the best ever, there is no chance for girls to escape their milking session! The weight of the heavy red milking claw is hanging from her udders, pulling them straight down as it pulls her nipples in. Sorry Nelly, someone had to be the first!