Katie worked so hard, she deserves a relaxing massage. Actually, it is very healthy to give your HuCows regular udder massages. It increases the hormone levels and improves blood flow, especially if the udders are very heavy, like Katie’s. And for the farmer, it is relaxing too! We took off her collar and cuffs for this occassion, she is docile anyway. Katie gets a good long massage with oil, and she is clearly enjoying it. After a while, the farmer gags and blindfolds her. Katie really is so used to have her udders touched, it is great to watch her being so comfortable with her farmer!
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12 Responses
beautiful Katie – the mother of all udders!!!!!!!!!!!!
Gq milk
Need to see more from mira and other hucows
ANY farmer would want to have the opportunity to massage Katie’s huge massive udders.
HuCow hunny
I have huge udders like Katie’s and need to be milked very badly. Every night I gush over my dildo and moo and lowe dreaming of a farmer milking me and breeding me all day
Excellent,we need more udder massage video’s
The other way is the milking bed, with a soft strap across her back keeping her in place and letting udders hang free. Keep her arms to the side or down to her waist so she doesn’t have leverage to lift free, add a gag so she doesn’t moan as much, a vibe to keep her entertained, and keep some focus on her face so we can watch her reactions. Keep her head turned to one side towards the camera, and a leash attached to the gag so she is made to look at the camera when she rests her head on the table. Perhaps a butt plug too, with a spring on the end and a metal wire going up, so you can tie a hucow flag on it? When she orgasms or wiggles, the flag waves around
Bonus points if there is an edging around the table so she cannot see who else is in the room with her, and a couple calves are brought in to keep her breasts massaged and her nipples licked. All she knows is that someone, then two someones are enjoying her udders, while getting vibrated and plugged.
This sounds amazing!
All in favor of cuffed cows at all times! Anyone? Nice update though. I like the massage idea. Hope we can get vina back for one :)
HuCow hunny
I have huge udders like Katie’s and need to be milked very badly. Every night I gush over my dildo and moo and lowe dreaming of a farmer milking me and breeding me all day
You guys should see if you can get Sadie Holmes to try one of your machines out. She’s already lactating and REALLY loves having her nipples sucked/pumped for their milk. You’d get some good results and probably minimal resistance from her ;) Depending on how used to a strong milker she is. If she’s not, it’ll put her love for being milked to the test!
Nice. But you’ll still have to continue with the growth hormone injections. Katie’s breasts as just still far too small.
would love to massage them personally