Maggy – twin pump

Maggy – twin pump

posted in: Double Breast Pump | 10

Our Hucow Maggy definitely has the biggest udders in our stables. Some may even say they are too big. They need regular milking to reduce the weight, before Maggy develops any back problems. With a bad back, Maggy can’t stand in the milking frames properly. So Maggy is one of the few Hucows who will actually smile when she is pumped. Because it is such a relief for her. We try the double breast pump today, but its power may not be sufficient for these giant udders!

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10 Responses

  1. sorry…too big to handle your equipment…smaller is better

    • You are so wrong. In fact, you’ve never been more incorrect in your life. Bigger is ALWAYS better when it comes to tits and Maggie certainly proves it – she’s spectacular!

  2. MilkingLover

    Poor cow, clearly does not know how to use breast pumps properly–she holds the bottles, not the cups at her areolae–amateur work. You can see she’s doing her best, but more or less acting…until she *does* get them on properly. You can see the moment in her face. This is why fat-uddered cows like Maggy should be properly restrained and tended to by professionals; it’s too much to ask a poor cow to manage.

  3. best udders… awaiting to see maggy on the milking bed… please

  4. Katarina should do the double le pump next video.

  5. Maggy really needs to use a goat milking machine. they would be so much better for her. My udders are not that big but the milker gets ever drop out and the horns stay attached good to her udders and she doesn’t eve have to hold them.

  6. matthew meuleman

    does she give milk yet if yes lets see her give it

  7. Matthew meuleman

    is maggy still part of the hurd have not seen her for some time

  8. Can y share your incredible breast with me

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