Summer seems to be the time where farmers want to get rid of their HuCows. Please think before you get one! They require attention and care all day long, farming is hard work! We purchased this experienced, well trained HuCow from a local farm and we tagged her with the number 69. She already came fitted with a nose ring! We locked her in our cage, blindfolded and gagged, as to not startle her during the move. We woke her up by squeezing her udders, her movements causing some nice cow bell sounds. We put HuCow 69 straight onto the milking bed with the goat milker, to see if she can already produce some milk. The results were very promising, she immediately started to drip. We suspect the previous owner did not milk her regularly, so we have to get her back on schedule!
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8 Responses
Please get vina back
WELCOME HUCOW 69… a perfect name for the new addition. She looks very promising. Her udders hang beautifully through the milking bed. i look forward to many updates of this splendid hucow!!
Another nice addition to the herd. In her next Update no blindfold and ballgag———PLEASE !!!!!!!!!! A hucow’s eyes, facial expressions, and the sounds she makes are the way a farmer sees what each HUCOW goes through during her milking session. Hoping to see Vina again. Maybe management is saving her for Update 300 on September 26, 2020.
A Vina collab with another hucow for update 300 would be incredible! Katie maybe?
Please bring back Cory Spice.
as a long time lurker thats been on the fence watching the site grow, im really loving the trend of more women that make milk to your film sets. Keep it up! If you can get one or several cow sluts that can make a volume of milk in a reservoir, and then have the cow or another woman drink it, it would probably get me off the fence.
Nice to see another hucow. 69 has perfect body with nice teats. Like her hucow decoration having cow bell, ear tag and nose ring. It would be nice to see more hucow decorated like that. Next time milk her with red cow milker.