So recently we added Bella to the herd, because she wrote us a convincing email that the HuCow life is all she desires. She brought her friend Demi for support, just to watch her initiation, but as you know something unexpected happened, and now Demi is part of our herd too! These two new HuCows are so proud! And we are glad to have some real friends in our herd, so they can support each other. Because the HuCow life is not easy. Especially since we have a new machine, the compact cow milker. Just like the compact goat milker, it is extremely powerful for its size. And the metal cups are much heavier, stretching the nipples much more. We installed a cow yoke for Bella, so she could get milked by this new machine. Fortunately for her, Demi was there to massage, oil, and suckle on those massive udders. We love our HuCow duo!!
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4 Responses
Bella had to be happy that her friend Demi was with her for moral support as the compact cow milker pumped her huge soft udders. Maybe in their next Update Demi can be milked and Bella can massage , oil and suckle her udders. Would love to see these two HuCows milked in the barn side by side with the powerful red cow milker pumping their udders.
Ana Celeste
It is obvious that Bella is made to be a hucow from the look of peace on her face while she is milked and suckled. Having my swollen nipples sucked on straight after pumping is one of my favourite feelings too. I can’t wait to see more of this pair.
I’d be a bull for both of them.
Die hellere stärkere Kuh hat ein Prachteuter nur die Zitzen sollten noch deutlich gelängt werden. Man sieht dass durch das melken sich die Zitzenfarbe schön dunkel verfärbt, jetzt sollten sie noch länger werden. Sonst gefällt sie mir sehr gut, die dunklere kleinere Kuh sollte dann auch bald mal richtig ran genommen werden