Wow, we have some awesome fans! A HuCow enthusiast sent us this custom made milking stand, which is incredible! Thank you so much! We immediately grabbed our resident German HuCow Angelica to test it. The frame has a molded piece so the HuCow body can be completely horizontal, while she still stands stands on the floor. A tight waist strap is all that is needed to keep the HuCow from going anywhere. Hands are restrained behind the back of course. This is a VERY hard position to maintain, and even our muscled HuCow Angelica was sweating and panting in this straining pose. Add a full power goat milker and you know it is not going to be an easy session! This stand has a lot of interesting options and additions which we will show you later on, but for now we are just trying to adjust and tweak it. It is an awesome device, it looks simple but it renders HuCows completely helpless with their udders hanging free. That’s just what we needed!
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12 Responses
very ingenious… Angelica would look good attached or on any piece of equipment (she is a good piece of equipment herself – verrry well equipped.) love how her udders are pulled down – stretch and pump those mams!!!!!
This is my new favorite position! Can’t wait to see Katie or kata on this! So exciting
My dick is all Angelica to use
I’d like to see angelica milker in doggiestyle wit a good view from her amazing butt and pussy!
WOW!!!! what a piece of kit…..absolutely awesome.
Nip Trainer
Whoever created this one👍🏻. No need for comfort.
Now, a second stand like this for a second cow standing face to face with the other cow being milked simultaneously. That would be quite nice.
Hot Libby
Maybe needs an extra arm or bracket on the machine, to lock and support her collar
It has, but Angelica was too tall for that. We need to do some tweaking.
Henrik Anderzon
It has been a pleasure to make this stand and I hope that all small models ( it is dimensioned for small models, we have an adjustable one on the drawing board) will try it out, we at “anderzoncontrol”, have made all kinds of equipment and are ready to make almost anything, it is a pleasure to make this world a more free and interesting place, for people who enjoy to have the freedom to watch or take part in what they like to take part in.
A great piece of equipment. Well done Henrik Anderzon. Has anyone else noticed what a fantastic pair of legs HuCow Angelica has got?
Ronald Bosworth II
“””0″”” Hell Yea !!!!!!
And Heel’s Just Make it Just That MUCH Better !!!