Two of the best HuCows in the herd: Denise & Darina! We put them together for a double red cowmilker session, which is actually only for experienced and well-trained HuCows. The machine is even more powerful when used with four udders! You can see the reaction of Darina as Denise puts the last cup on her udder. There’s a lot more vacuum power now! The girls are so well trained, they voluntarily apply the machine themselves. But they need some cuffs and gags to prevent them from ending the session too early. This duo did so well! Their nipples doubled in size and became very sensitive, so the farmer rewarded both of them with clover clamps! Don’t miss this update!
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10 Responses
Nice session, these two hucows are very obedient and have very nice udders, ideal for the red cow milker ! I love it !
Loved seeing these two HuCows place the cups of the milker over their nipples and watching them react as their beautiful udders are vacuumed pumped by the powerful Red Cow Milker . Hopefully in a future Update may Denise & Darina be milked side by side with their collars locked to the wooden milking frame and their hands cuffed behind their backs .
Lovely to see two of the best heifers in the herd milked together like this. It’s nice to contrast Denise’s slightly bigger udders with Darina’s large receptive teats. Amother great session!
Can we please see Denise’s breeding holes at some point?
Yes you can, Denise got a full inspection in this video: https://www.hucows.com/2021/12/denise-intake-assessment/
Two lovely hucow on same powerful red cowmilker. They are one of the best, a wonderful update. And also clover clamp reward for both on their already sore nipples is very good thought.
Next put septum ring on both hucows on duel milking season.
Will we watch more deep throat train?
utterly beautiful udders
Great performance. Two top Hucows. When can we see them back ?
So I appears that darina is more submissive than denise. darina does not make much eye contact, denise makes too much eye contact. denise should be trained better!